Be prepared to change the way you think about Preserving the Environment

Water Fact

Watercell technology delivers a potable water supply at a reasonable and sustainable cost to all buildings ? not just houses.

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Water Savings & OSD

The Vision Water WaterCell™ is preserving and conserving the environment by significantly reducing mains water use and peak flow stormwater runoff for every property where it is installed.

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Our Awards

Vision Water has been recognised by industry leaders for the development of WaterCell™, a truly sustainable rainwater harvesting system for all types of buildings.

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Case Study

00Narara - Four-Bedroom Family Home
This dwelling house was constructed in Narara a suburb of Gosford on the Central Coast of New South Wales. The region is burdened by level 4 water ...
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The Water Cell

The WaterCell™ is an engineered, high volume rainwater harvesting, storage and reticulation system, and an integrated OSD (Onsite Stormwater Detention) system which forms an integral part of a new building of any type or use.

The WaterCell™ is contained within the building footprint and the components are accessible, serviceable, maintainable, replaceable, recyclable and affordable.

The storage cell is manufactured using recyclable polyethylene which is USFDA and EU Directive compliant for food contact and drinking water storage.

Implementation of WaterCell™ technology to any project will:

  • deliver an immediate clean water supply for that project,
  • simultaneously ease the demand on the existing centralised water supply system,
  • extend the life of existing stormwater infrastructure, and
  • significantly reduce the cost of new stormwater infrastructure, in perpetuity.

WaterCell™ technology delivers a potable water supply at a reasonable and sustainable cost to all buildings – not just houses.

The WaterCell™ is located within the subfloor space of any building (i.e. under the floor) but can be located anywhere within a commercial or industrial building that has been designed to withstand the resultant hydrostatic pressure.

The WaterCell™ comprises a storage cell, a structural container (usually the subfloor structure of the building) and appropriate plumbing fitted with a pump.

A storage cell is a non-structural element, which takes the shape of its container.

A typical storage cell is 6 metres x 4 metres x 0.7 metres deep and has a storage capacity of 16,000 litres.

Each storage cell is a welded, closed bag, manufactured from thin, flexible, impermeable, non-toxic, hygienic material and fitted with integral inlet and outlet spigots.

Any number of storage cells can be connected in series.

The WaterCell™ plumbing system allows additional storage cells to be added in series at any time, or allow any particular storage cell or cells to be isolated, removed or replaced if required.

Construction of the building subfloor must include provision for sub-soil drainage, cross-ventilation, vermin proofing, physical barriers for the prevention of raising damp and termite infestation, and also to allow for inspection of the WaterCell™ and the building subfloor structure generally.


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